[Bell Historians] Trinity NYC

laithbells at a... laithbells at a...
Tue Dec 31 03:03:29 GMT 2002

Dear all,

This is to support Michael Wilby's comments. These projects do take a long 
time to bring to completion and, having been involved in this particular one 
for over two decades, I would like to request that the subject be dropped at 
this time, as others are working very hard on this project and any publicity 
at this stage is unlikely to have any positive effect. I understand that 
there is a very high probability of completion provided the authorities at 
Trinity are given the space they need without feeling that they are being 
pushed. All pieces required for completion are potentially available given 
further time and peace. For those who can remember the University of Western 
Australia/Swan Bells project, (based on the 1725 recast ring of 12 from St 
Martin-in-the-fields Westminster), this took over 12 years from conception to 
completion and involved the labour of many persons (myself included). The 
occasional bursts of publicity on that inevitably had a negative impact, so 
your patience is requested. 

Michael, thanks for putting the situation very clearly and correctly.

All the best for the New Year to you all,
Laith Reynolds

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