[Bell Historians] Tenor Weights

John Paul Adams J.Adams at u...
Thu Sep 12 14:10:15 BST 2002


>> On my York site, I use the suffix 'cwt' to indicate that the weight is
>> approximate, otherwise express it normally.

... and I wouldn't have expected any other way. There is great scope for
error over the years for x-x-0 to be swapped to cwt and vice versa. I'm
sure someone could do the stats, but it would be interesting to see from
Dove, from the tenors with exact weights, what percentage are x-x-1, what
percentage are x-x-2 etc etc. A rough guess at about 4000 tenors with exact
weights, that is probably enough to have a representative sample?


John Paul Adams, Medical School IT Support Section,
University College London, London, WC1E 6BT.
Work: 020-7679-6867. Email: J.Adams at u...
WWW: http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ccaajpa/

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