[Bell Historians] nine tailors origins/ how exactly was it rung

A Willis zen16073 at z...
Fri Jun 13 12:08:49 BST 2003

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Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] nine tailors origins/ how exactly was it

In a message dated 13/06/2003 02:02:30 GMT Daylight Time,
mary_maloney01 at h... writes:

how was it rung ?....
[A Willis]

Three ways. 3 x 3 strokes for a man, each group of 3 separated by a
pause; 2x 3 strokes for a woman and 3 single strokes for a child. The the
number of years the person had lived would be tolled. Hence the saying Nine
Tailors make a Man'. Tailors is derived from 'tellers' i.e. the sound of
the bell telling the community of the death.

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