Taylor tenor frames

David Bryant david at b...
Tue Apr 6 22:03:54 BST 2004

During a quiet hour at work I was looking through Bliss and Sharpe's
'Gloucestershire', and came across the description of Upper Slaughter.
Apparetly these were augmented rom 3 to 5 by Taylor's in 1987, and the frame
was extended. Interestingly, if the description is correct, a timber
addition to the existing frame was added for the treble, but the tenor was
hung in its own cast iron frame (anyone been there? Is this correct?). Was
this use of a single-pit cast iron frame for the tenor deliberate, I wonder,
to make sure the bell went well? A similar thing was done at St Chad's,
Shrewsbury, in 1914 when the present ring were installed in the existing
frame apart from the tenor, which was hung in a new single-pit cast iron
frame which replaced the timber pit of the original frame. Several decades
later, in 1951, the new frame at Evesham was constructed with the tenor pit
isolated from the rest of the frame to make the bell go better.

Are there any more example of this sort of thing, or was it something which
was only done occasionally? I know that Taylor's do make particular efforts
to make sure their tenors go well - e.g. by always having a single-roller
pulley box.


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