[Bell Historians] Bradford on Avon

Susan Dalton dalton.family at v...
Fri Apr 9 10:04:33 BST 2004

Anne Willis:
>> The catholic church just along the road from Holy Trinity has a 1624 bell
>> (ex Dorchester All Saints) by John Dawton of Salisbury as a clock bell. I
>> had quite a job convincing a visitor to the town that the tenor at HT
> (which
>> sounds the hour) was by far the younger bell (1882). Her view was that
>> because it sounded better, it must be older! In all fairness the Dawton
>> bell does not have the hammers properly adjusted.
> [And it didn't sound any good when it was at Dorchester A S either. Dawton
> wasn't the founder John Wallis was.]
> But it says ID RT 1624 on it! Mustn't forget Richard Tuck.
[He could have been the problem!

Seriously, though, there are some quite good Dawton (with or without Tuck)
bells around (Spetisbury and Wroughton for instance) but he/they didn't have
the grasp of bell shape that John Wallis had.

Playtime over - must get ready for church... CD]

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