[Bell Historians] Old bellframes and common sense....

David Bryant david at b...
Fri Dec 17 10:54:44 GMT 2004

"What I want to know is - what do people think about preservation? Is it better to preserve framesides and cills out of context, where people can view them, or leave less of a bellframe, in context but inaccessible??"

I'd definitely go with the first. Although out of context, the trusses (along with drawings) would give a good indication of how the frame was constructed. The second scheme would render what was retained unintelligible as the upper parts of most of the frame would have been removed. After all, development of the frame is often seen in the upper rather than lower parts - e.g. replacement of short heads with long ones.

A single truss was retained from the old frame at Crediton recently - I believe it is mounted on the bellchamber wall above the level of the present bellframe. The frame was also recorded in detail by CJP.

Another solution which I've seen (at Isle Abbotts) is to hoist the old frame up to a position immediately beneath the tower roof, and put RSJs under it. The new frame was then installated in the position of the old frame. This seems a good solution and doesn't compromise the existing bell installation.



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