G&J - New York/Wimborne

ALAN BAGWORTH alan.bagworth97 at b...
Sat Jul 3 10:49:10 BST 2004

Apologies for late entry of this note.

There is an illustration of the New York 18 ton bourdon as the frontpiece of 'Bells Thro' the Ages' by JR Nicholls published in 1928. The bell is shown fitted with an arched steel rivetted headstock and two steel wheels hanging in it's frame in the foundry. Standing on the frame is Fred (Ted) Collins who worked for G&J from 1924-1936. The bell was rung at the All-England ringers' meeting at Croydon in march 1928 . Fred told me about me that three bells were cast for this bourdon, the first the 18 ton, the second and third were 22 and 25 tons respectively. G&J were not satisfied with the first bell and even less happy with the two larger bells and so the first casting was used for the contract. The tenor for Wimborne Minster is pictured on page 265 fitted with a headstock that looks identical to the Taylor design.


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