[Bell Historians] impartiality?

Anne Willis zen16073 at z...
Fri May 28 11:48:04 BST 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Higson, Bellmaster [mailto:andrew_higson at t...]
Sent: 28 May 2004 10:21
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Bell Historians] impartiality?

I was once rather annoyed to read someone's list of bellfounders/hangers
that was incomplete to say the least, though there was no mention of
reccommendations. When I queried the matter I was told that the list had
'been taken from the RW diary', or words to that effect, and that the person
had never heard of/had no experience with X,Y or Z. The person concerned
had nothing to do with the DAC, but was someone who would be consulted in
these matters. The list has since been revised.

Anne Willis

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