[Bell Historians] St Nicholas, Cork - Bells.

Bickerton, Roderic K (SELEX) (UK) roderic.bickerton at QiUmmkiY3bljQkbx6FllJBd-ShKNaC2IicfCw_sahMofeuQnS21SU2heukDXG5LtHqPxgtvB-YHxspm9Nzmqli_crgeNtg8.yahoo.invalid
Wed May 30 16:03:41 BST 2007

 What is the value of these bells?
What storage charges would be involved in holding them for up to 12 months.   
With the way metal prices are going, nominally "owning" them for 12 months may not actually end up costing as the scrap value would only need to escalate sufficiently to cover interest for it to cost only storage.
 Copper prices have risen from £1500/ Tn in 2002 to over £7000/ Tn now.
So potentially owning these bells would be a decent investment even if they eventually go for scrap.
I think I am getting interested!!

Copper prices


SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems Limited
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