Fwd: St.Edward's, Leek, chiming machine

Carl S Zimmerman csz_stl at cdBjaLWftVYVGC-avKFqLXI1Don8HUdBHZay0Zfih83U5iPbV9qzv0PCeAY0mjsNrDAo0Vxk_E6iRksh.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 28 18:49:41 BST 2008

The following inquiry came to me from a visitor to the GCNA Website. 
While I have replied directly, I think it likely that other 
subscribers to this list might be able to provide useful information 
as well.  Please respond directly to the inquirer, not to me.


---begin forwarded text---

>From: "faith.cleverdon" <faith.cleverdon07 at u0yvNqEZVDbgPIjK-JdGslLU9Ij47faiVRHHWhcw0QDWnsOkuqSUgWkOaWqGtFNi3osC2JSZdWnFSbeaCZiPmY0iPUadyfwot-s0.yahoo.invalid>
>Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:04:10 +0100
>Dear Sir / Madam
>I am searching for information about 'chiming machines' assuming that might
>be the correct name for the drums which until two years ago operated chimes
>at St. Edward's Church, Leek, Staffordshire. The tower had 8 bells in 1874
>when Gillet and Bland installed the chiming machine. It was subsequently
>alterred when two further bells were added. The bells can be both rung and
>chimed (the latter mechanically - for the hours, quarters, and three hourly
>For the past two years they have been silent (although the bells can still
>be rung) and we are seeking
>a) names of suitable firms to quote for repairs
>b) any information - including a correct definition - which can help us make
>an intelligent bid for funding - and some idea of the rarity or otherwise of
>this type of mechanism. It is clearly a mis-nomer to call it a carrillon,
>but what is correct?
>c) names of sources known to be sympathetic to such work
>If you can help in any way on any of these three I'd be most grateful. We
>could arrange access to the tower if anyone is interested. The machinery has
>been dismantled and we are anxixous to see it restored as soon as possible
>before it joins the 'lost' list for good!
>Yours sincerely
>Faith Cleverdon
>Dr. M.F.Cleverdon, Leek and Moorlands Historic Buildings Trust. Tel:

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