[Bell Historians] Time Team: Salisbury cathedral Campanile.

IAN SELF i.self at ezz4VYM03hlbl5KWtQHLk96sUtsx_RZprA_MVIrKhBZj0iqsMRtzrTaoLrihm5OBz82nTZ_9EKsgHVWtCiEvFw.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 10 12:00:14 GMT 2009

If people paste the lin below into their browser, it should take them to the programme. There are a couple of mintues of adverts at the start.


Ian Self.

From: John Paul Adams <J.Adams at z8uLSU0jrDwIsQibCcI1xBE7qv1O2Q2-K5FRmvPeb9OnJkHJadw1tK-Jel00RbelAy8Gywr6BA.yahoo.invalid>
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 10:13:19 AM
Subject: [Bell Historians] Time Team: Salisbury cathedral Campanile.

I thought there might have been some remarks on here yesterday after
the Time Team episode on Sunday (5.15pm, Channel 4, there might be
a catch up on the web somewhere).

They were digging at two sites in the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral,
one being the SE corner chapel and the other being the campanile in
the NW corner.

I wonder if we actually learnt anything? Going by the amount of time
they spent at the campanile site (about 1/3rd of the programme) and
what they discovered (confirmation of the already known foundation
layout), was it really worth their time?


John Paul Adams, Medical School IT Support Section, Cruciform Building
University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.
Work: 020-7679-6867. Mobile: 07970-150707. Email: J.Adams at ucl. ac.uk
WWW: http://www.homepage s.ucl.ac. uk/~ccaajpa/

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