[Bell Historians] Unusual clock chimes

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at ATvrUnXkkUxD4FhbUFeFW_xOqAxQWoCGr_M-XOmWwanTL4sZG6ar3W0KUFP--6qGvNYosP5s4CYY5AEqr4OARRsqKRj0ng.yahoo.invalid
Fri Nov 6 12:01:19 GMT 2009

According to Beeson's Clockmaking in Oxfordshire the Merton College chimes are operated by an electrical system "which operates .. Canterbury chimes on the bells which are at a considerable distance in the Chapel tower". This system was installed on the recommendations of a Committee which reported in 1932. This probably settles it - unless the 1932 chimes replaced earlier ones, and Beeson isn't clear on that.

DRL refers to "THE University" in one e-mail, but isn't Merton part of one too??

DLC thinks Canterbury bells in 1170 must have been very heavy indeed because it needed so many men to ring them. I bet the West Country lads - strong in arm and thick in head according to the Rugby song - could have rung bigger bells with fewer men. Kentish wimps?

On Mancroft, I think they're wonderful - but good? Not the same thing. And I rather like the Norwich Cathedral chime too

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