[Bell Historians] medieval bell pit

Sue Marsden erincaters at ati8_LZEH3Sf1AbgyJE24NkRIEvNsIu2-axeHoVzz4mXDRpBe5lEOhFE13unzw084WDxcH0RM--OB8uZT5nDIU2O5A.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jan 19 16:37:22 GMT 2010

People may like to know that the 'Tim Reynolds' mentioned in the video
is the Diocesan Archaeological Advisor. If it had not been in a church
then Cambs CC Archeology Dept would have been involved, who would have
someone knowledgeable in medieval archeology. Reynold's main field of
interest is ancient  man and flint stones......

2010/1/19 Ted Steele <ted.steele at CiTR7kdxjtEDJhL4Fo0gVEkT7PaAsX8pXI9lnlhgCPZMCg3QvqteASVR1dDv4Xh944pWRiAZ4qg8AQy_KA.yahoo.invalid>:
> Richard Offen wrote:
>> I have not come across any references to bell moulds being placed
>> above ground during the casting process. This is quite simply because
>> doing so would have required some sort of ladle and lifting tackle to
>> transfer the metal from the furnace into the bell mould. Much easier
>> to tap the furnace and allow the metal to run along a channel into the
>> head of a mould that has been buried …also much less risk of a mould
>> exploding when surrounded by compacted earth.
>> It all sounds highly improbable to me!
> The article says "Further investigation showed that the discovery was a
> pit used to burn charcoal in the process of melting metal in bell
> moulds." When were the actual moulds used for melting the metal in any
> known casting process? She seems to be describing a furnace rather than
> a mould.
> Ted
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