Holy Trinity Burton On Trent

steven_blakemore at L23CzgVz0cG-7DE1nhLNkMLI6lQuI7Ff4wCXU-HF3TRGXBUuhlpe6vHjoF6S9jC-kecXGEqdx9AJ-gbwzH9Zed8jOcc.yahoo.invalid steven_blakemore at L23CzgVz0cG-7DE1nhLNkMLI6lQuI7Ff4wCXU-HF3TRGXBUuhlpe6vHjoF6S9jC-kecXGEqdx9AJ-gbwzH9Zed8jOcc.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 19 13:25:36 BST 2010

I have yet another query. Before 1969 there used to be a church called
Holy Trinity (where the present Focus DIY is) around 1969/70 the church
was pulled down. It was originally going to have a ring of 10 but It
ended up with a 40cwt Tenor! I would like to know more about it and what
happened to it. I assume it went back to the bell foundary and was
melted down.

Can any on enlighten me?
The church was built in 1881/2 and had a 200 ft spire with a clock in
the tower.

Steven Blakemore


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