[Bell Historians] dangerous bells

Richard Offen richard.offen at j0J98Bp7FEJF8sWvxT4pxMzSXOkAAxLu3ym_g5hSFZy_EZ9y-JpmTBJjxd5QSY1uII55b8LjPCxx6oYjbbQv8F8D.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jun 4 03:37:05 BST 2011

I think this is Herefordshire speak for 'we wanted a nicely tuned new ring
of bells and we've been told the old four wouldn't tune up too well'!!!
Dear old Ashley has a delightful turn of phrase at times!





From: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com [mailto:bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Laura Dickerson
Sent: Thursday, 2 June 2011 9:29 PM
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Bell Historians] dangerous bells




This was in the Campanophile story about F. Stedman's home church.

"Yarkhill was his birthplace. The current four bells are of historic
interest , but to tune them would render them dangerous."  

What does that mean?  In my imagination, the bells would be  so annoyed at
being re-tuned that they would  start swinging on their own, endangering
anyone who approached the belfry.  That probably isn't the answer.  Does it
mean that retuning would remove so much metal that the bells would be likely
to crack, fall from the fittings, and hit someone on the head?  I don't
think that's it, either.
I can see how retuning a bell could endanger a bell, but not how it could
make one dangerous.

Laura Dickerson

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