[Bell Historians] Manufacturers of handbells for export?

Carl S Zimmerman csz_stl at swbell.net
Mon Aug 14 15:13:12 BST 2023

It is well known that the Whitechapel bellfoundry exported to the USA many sets of handbells, some of them as large as five fully chromatic octaves.  That was an active business for decades.  But other exporters are less well known, and I am curious to learn more.

The former Petit & Fritsen bellfoundry of the Netherlands exported some sets, and I have seen one of three octaves.  I have heard of Taylor handbells in places other than change-ringing towers, but I don't know any details.  And I have just learned that Gillett & Johnston may have shipped to two-octave set to the USA in 1957.
Not counting smaller diatonic sets of handbells that may have been acquired by change ringers for practice purposes, what is known about the export of handbells for tune ringing?

Carl Scott Zimmerman, Campanologist 
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA -
 - 19th c. home of at least 37 bell founders or resellers 
Tel. +1-314-821-8437 
Webmaster for www.TowerBells.org
 * Avocation: tower bells
 * Recreation: handbells
 * Mission: church bellsWebmaster for www.TSCChapter134.orgTreasurer, World Carillon Federation
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