[Bell Historians] Use of word 'champ'

Neal Dodge gtbartonbells at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 15:36:03 GMT 2023

In an article on the life of Henry Hobart (1800-1871), a ringer from
Bildeston, it's said he could sing touches of various methods, which Hobart
himself referred to as 'to champ touches'.
Has anyone come across the same use of the word champ? Was it used

The piece on Hobart was written by Samuel Slater and published in the May
1907 edition of 'The Bellringer' magazine (p191). Here's the section which
mentions the word champ.
*"In one respect none could equal him in Suffolk in his day, as he could
recite touches of various minor and major methods with his voice, giving to
each bell its proper place and time, and the writer has heard him sing, or
as he used to call it, champ, touches of Treble Bob Major." *

Many Thanks
Neal Dodge
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