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<div>For anybody on Facebook, here is a link to a video of the bells at St Luke, Ironbridge.</div>
<div><a title="https://www.facebook.com/sean.blocksidge.7/videos/10155117880672537/?fref=gs&dti=2222025858&hc_location=group" href="https://www.facebook.com/sean.blocksidge.7/videos/10155117880672537/?fref=gs&dti=2222025858&hc_location=group">https://www.facebook.com/sean.blocksidge.7/videos/10155117880672537/?fref=gs&dti=2222025858&hc_location=group</a></div>
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<div>The single bell is at the start of the video and at about 2 mins in.</div>
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<div style="font-color: black"><b>From:</b> <a title="bellhistorians@yahoogroups.com">
'Chris Pickford' c.j.pickford.t21@btinternet.com [bellhistorians]</a> </div>
<div><b>Sent:</b> Sunday, January 6, 2019 12:03 PM</div>
<div><b>To:</b> <a title="bellhistorians@yahoogroups.com">bellhistorians@yahoogroups.com</a>
<div><b>Subject:</b> RE: [Bell Historians] Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron</div>
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<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d">I have a note from the Saunders Ms of a bell at the Coalbrookdale works:<O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Bell cast at the Coalbrookdale Works, erected in the upper works. Inscription on crown “Abraham Darby 1843â€. 34â€. Taken down 1931 and stored in the works<span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d">I’m not sure if this is the same bell as the one Bill mentions.<O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d">There is also an odd cast iron bell at Ironbridge church, without date or inscription but probably made at Coalbrookdale too. I examined it a couple of years
ago, along with the two small clock bells and eight-bell tubular chime in the tower. I can email details to anyone who wants them<O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial",sans-serif; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><b><i><span style="FONT-FAMILY: "Calibri",sans-serif; COLOR: #5b9bd5">Chris Pickford<O></O></span></i></b></p>
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<hr style="height:2px ; border-width:0; color:#E3E3E3; background-color:#E3E3E3;">
Posted by: David Bagley <david@ringing.demon.co.uk> <hr style="height:2px ; border-width:0; color:#E3E3E3; background-color:#E3E3E3;">
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