T. C. Lewis

john ketteringham john.ketteringham at n...
Tue Dec 10 12:39:28 GMT 2002

On one of the lists someone asked about the four bells by Lewis at Fen
Ditton. George Dawson tells me that they were scrapped in 1982. David
Stipetic acquired two and the metal was for Holy Trinity Hull.

When I was compiling Lincolnshire Bells and Bellfounders Ranald Clouston
sent me a copy of an unpublished paper he presented in 1994 entitled Thomas
Christopher Lewis as a Bellfounder. The British Institute of Organ Studies
in Vol 22 (1998) of their Journal published a paper on Lewis by one C. Gray.

Lewis's bellfounding business was taken over by Whitechapel in 1888 but
organ building continued.

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