Taylor Gillett Bells

David Bryant djb122 at y...
Mon Feb 18 17:53:58 GMT 2002

In the last year or so before Gilletts went out of the bell business
their last bells were cast by Taylors, apparently using Gillett
strickles. The bells were sent to Gilletts for tuning, and they also
fitted and hung them.

The only complete ring cast such is Goxhill, N. Lincs. Has anyone
examined these? Who's work do they resemble - who's lettering is used,
etc - it would be interesting to know. Incidentally, Chris Pickford has
supplied me with the 'as cast' weights - tenor 13-0-9. I seems unlikely
from ths that the quoted finished weight given in Dove is correct - I
wouldn't have though they would remove 3 cwt in tuning a bell this size.


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