[Bell Historians] Warners and Tuning

LOVE, Dickon DrLove at s...
Mon Mar 11 14:12:02 GMT 2002

Warners retuned the 8 bells at Wye in Kent in 1913. They were subsequently
retuned again by Whitechapel in 1975 (and augmented to 10 in 1999). There
can't be many rings of bells retuned several times.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Wilby [mailto:michael_wilby at y...]
Sent: 08 March 2002 17:12
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Bell Historians] Warners and Tuning

Did Warner's ever experiment with harmonic tuning, and if so, when did they
start? I recall photographs of the Warner restoration of York showing what
looked like external tuning - c1913(?). Had they been trying it earlier?


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