[Bell Historians] This week's questions

David Bryant djb122 at y...
Mon Oct 14 15:08:13 BST 2002

> > Haven't we had 2) and 3) before?

Possibly. I'll look through the archive.

> Maybe we need a different question! How about the newest ring of
> bells that are unringable? I know that answer to that one! (I think!)

Where's that then?

I think there's an 18cwt Taylor 8 on cast iron stocks somewhere in S. Yorks
which are unringable - no doubt GAD will know the name of the place.

At Ruishton in Somerset there's an 8 cwt six composed of 3 old bells and
three 1951 (I think) Taylor trebles hung with Taylor framework and fittings
of the same date as the front three, which cannot be rung due to the
instability of the tower, and I believe the architect has said that they
will never be rung again as they are at the moment. It was ages ago I was
told, but I think he suggested turning the frame around, but the walls that
would place the loading on had already been stitched and might crack again.
Until the 50s the bells were an unringable three, although there are rumours
that there were once more but they were disposed of because of tower
problems. Also, the tower, a Somerset perp one, unusually has no
battlements. There has been much discussion by those who have studied the
towers as to whether this was intentional or whether they were never built
of were removed due to instability. Certainly, the tower as it is at the
moment looks incomplete. It can be seen from the train just north of Taunton

All in all it's a shame about the bells. They are in excellent condition and
up until the tower was declared usnafe there was an active band or ringers.


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