[Bell Historians] Library Journal

A Willis zen16073 at z...
Mon Apr 14 19:06:56 BST 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Johnston [mailto:R.Johnston at b...]
Sent: 14 April 2003 12:23
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] Library Journal

Why don't we seek to restimulate the history project - see what
essays people have (actual and potential) that could bring the story
forward and fill the gaps

Wonderful idea, but I have a horrid suspicion that the gaps will multiply
almost infinitely; history has a habit of generating at least three
questions for every one answered. The recent correspondence about bells and
the Reformation implied that there was probably enough regional variation to
fill a large book, and I suspect the Civil Wars would be the same. And then
you've got to try and answer some of the questions.
Anne Willis

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