[Bell Historians] Re: digital recordings and other things

LOVE, Dickon DrLove at s...
Fri Dec 19 09:21:46 GMT 2003

"Can't honestly remember. Seem to think Mark Regan's name was 
mentioned and reference made to recordings of the previous Bow rings, 
icluding the time signal."

In piecing together the rumours, I think I now understand what is going on.
Mark Regan wants to produce a CD of Bow Bells, past and present. A couple of
years ago I asked him whether the technology he would have access to might
also permit digitisation of Pladdys' (and/or Uphill's as I thought at the
time) recording of St Dunstan's. There was never any question of selling the
result. As for Star Street, I haven't actually established that a recording
exists. So there are no actual plans, especially as I don't have any of the
analogue recordings yet.


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