[Bell Historians] Fw: Harry Stokes, bellhanger

DJ Bryant djb122 at y...
Mon Jan 27 11:28:21 GMT 2003

There is quite a lot of correspondence relating to the York bells in the
Minster archives. I've looked at all of that relating to the 1925-7
replacement of the bells, but not the earlier material yet. There may be
something in there.


On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Chris Pickford wrote:

> In his e-mail, Roger Stokes mentioned the York connection. In filing a copy, I came across a copy of a Stokes advertisement with an extract from the York Herald of 4 April 1882. "Yesterday afternoon, Mr. H. Stokes, Church Bell Hanger of Woodbury, Exeter, completed the work of fixing the chiming apparatus invented by the Rev. H.T. Ellacombe ... whereby the peal of Twelve Bells in the south-west tower of York Minster are brought under the control of one person ..."
> So this gives the date and shows what was done.
> Hooper, of course, was Thomas Hooper. Stokes was later in partnership (in 1881) with Mrs. C Hooper - presumably the widow - before going into business on his own
> Chris Dalton and John Scott can probably add a great deal more. I just thought it worth passing on the York reference to save anyone else from hunting for it"
> Chris P

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