A Handlist of Campanological Papers, Articles, Theses and Dissertations

john ketteringham john.ketteringham at n...
Mon Mar 3 19:24:28 GMT 2003

In compiling this Handlist, which can be found at the following web address,
the intention is to complement the Central Council Library Catalogue
compiled by John Eisel and the Index of Printed Books compiled by Chris
Pickford (see http://www.ringing.info/pubslist.html). In general printed
books are not included except where they are not listed in either of the two
Indexes mentioned. I will be pleased to include any other books which are
of interest and are not listed in the two named publications.
This Handlist is based on Chris Pickford’s very personal Index and I am very
grateful to him for allowing me to use it in this way. I have left in the
Index items from the Ringing World listed by Chris but complete Indexes to
the Ringing World from 1993 to 2002 are available for downloading from the
following web site : http://www.ringingworld.co.uk/ John Baldwin holds the
extensive Indexes to the Ringing World compiled by Cyril Wratten.

I would appreciate notification of any errors or omissions.

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