Bootle / old Dove

Bill Hibbert bill at h...
Sat May 17 23:22:49 BST 2003

Thanks for the various prompt replies to my question.

1) The old figure of 13cwt seems so enormously heavier than the 
current weight of 8cwt that I will assume it was an anomaly - and 
that the current weight is in fact correct. It is about right given 
the bell's nominal.

2) Thanks for the suggestion re the Merseyside group, I have in fact 
corresponded direct with Nick Wilton in the past about the Hale 
bells, and the full story is told (with his permission) on my website.

3) My website also suggests (with example recordings) why the bronze 
trebles of the eight are not a good match to the steel bells and how 
a better result might have been achieved.

Bill H

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