Robert of Durham

George Dawson George at d...
Mon Apr 19 16:37:29 BST 2004

> Does anyone have any information about Robert of Durham. I would expect
> to have been founding before 1522. Howard Smith

I assume that this reference comes from the 7th of 8 (now 9 of 10) at Durham
Cathedral? Now the old 4th, recast by M&S in 1896, had the name R TONNER on
it. It is possible that they are the same people. It is interesting to note
that the now retired tenor at Greystoke, Cumbria, was cast in 1524 by
someone calling himself IHON TORNER, a surname close enough to be the same,
and possibly John is the son of R (Robert).

Has anyone had a careful look in the Cathedral Records/Accounts (if they
exist) to see if there are any references to the provision of bells?

George Dawson

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