[Bell Historians] Fenham bells

Carl S Zimmerman csz_stl at s...
Tue Aug 24 01:34:04 BST 2004

At 21:48 +0100 2004/08/23, David Cawley wrote:
>Thanks, Howard.
>It looks as if the arrangement of notes is rather unconventional, at 
>the bottom end, at least.

The only thing I find unusual is the sharp tenor (chime #16), which 
is almost useless from a chimer's viewpoint (especially without the 
semitone between #10/11). Chime #12 is the sharp fourth, and chime 
#9 is the flat seventh (musically speaking), both of which are quite 
standard in chimes.

Howard, can you supply the notes for chime #1-6? They aren't obvious 
(to me) from the weights, and there are a couple of possibilities.


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