Derwent Woodlands

djb122uk david at b...
Thu Feb 26 15:45:06 GMT 2004

--- In bellhistorians at, "Bill Hibbert" <bill at h...> 
> I was looking at the list of lost rings on the Keltek site and 
> happened to notice the following entry:
> Derwent Woodlands: Bells dispersed;2 recast; 2nd at Scarcliife
> I seem to remember from somewhere that some of the bells went to 
> Chelmorton - possibly from a book about the Derwent reservoir. I 
> look it up if needed.

It's in Dawson and Halls' Derbyshire. I don't have it to hand, but I 
recall that they were dispersed to other churches, with at least one 
being scrapped. They were Taylor's 1901.

The church was demolished prior to the construction of the reservoir, 
with the exception of the towr which was left as a water-height 
marker. However, people swan out to it and it wa sjudged dangerous so 
next time the water was low and it was on dry land again it was blown 
up. There is some film fottage of the tower on the web - British 
Pathe newsreels, if I remember rightly.


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