Bells in museums

philholtsdgr pippolucas23 at a...
Mon Jul 5 18:05:08 BST 2004

Four more I can think of:

1) Former Naylor, Vickers bell from S. Thomas More (RC) Church, 
Bradford-on-Avon, in Town Museum
2) Bell by Murphy of Dublin (if I remember correctly) at Greenhough 
Historical Village in Western Australia, originally used by the 
adjacent Catholic Church, which is now closed but preserved.
3) Fire bell cast by Burt of Dunedin in the Fire Brigades Museum, 
a.k.a. the Hall of Flame (yes, seriously) at Ferrymead Historical 
Park, Christchurch, NZ
4) Although not an actual museum, last time I visited Sheldon Manor, 
just outside Chippenham, Wilts, there was a 3 to 4 cwt bell (by 
Purdue?) on the floor of the chapel in the grounds of the house. 

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