Old style tuning

Bill Hibbert bill at h...
Fri Jun 4 00:30:01 BST 2004


> where bells are tuned 'old style', the fact that the
> hum notes are not two octaves below the nominals does
> not necessarily mean that the bells are badly tuned.

Just to leap briefly on a current hobby-horse: equating 'old style' 
with seventh hums is a bit cavalier. Because of the huge volume of 
Rudhall, Whitechapel and Warner bells for which this is true, 
there's a temptation to think that everyone before 1896 cast sharp 
hums. Possibly if one were to look at the number of founders aiming 
for roughly octave hums, rather than the number of bells, a more 
balanced picture would emerge.

Bill H

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