William Wooding Starmer

jimhedgcock jameshedgcock at h...
Wed Mar 31 23:09:38 BST 2004

 The six at St Andrew
> Undershaft, hung dead in my time, do not now even have a chiming 
frame and
> will probably remain silent for ever and this in the church where 
> was buried.

Remembering the distress caused in surrounding villages when it was 
thought that Diana, Princess of Wales, might be buried in the Spencer 
Chapel at Great Brington, and the subsequent burial at Althorpe, the 
clergy of this diocese sought to discourage visitors with the 
proclamation 'She is not here.' I tend to agree with them and I am 
sure that she is in a much better place than any of us has 
experienced. I think the same could be said of Stedman - so it won't 
bother him either!

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