[Bell Historians] Southwark

John Paul Adams J.Adams at u...
Thu Sep 16 10:43:38 BST 2004

Andrew W (re Southwark's 13th bell):

>> It is almost certainly Whitechapel and Past Masters of CY have been invited
>> to pay for it in memory of Past Master and Past Secretary Jim Prior. With a
>> contribution form the Society Bell fund as well I'm sure it will be done.

I rang there last night at the joint 12-bell practice. Some didn't know who
was casting it, and those that did said they have been asked not to divulge
it yet. However, they are pleased to say that a firm order is going to be
placed this week.


John Paul Adams, Medical School IT Support Section, Cruciform Building
University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.
Work: 020-7679-6867. Mobile: 07970-150707. Email: J.Adams at u...
WWW: http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ccaajpa/

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