[Bell Historians] engraved bells

Andrew Wilby andrew at ...
Sat Dec 24 09:08:30 GMT 2005

 The 8 from Shrewsbury now in St Andrew's Cath Honolulu are engraved and 
named after members of the old Hawaiian Royal family that were disposed of 
when the non-colonial and morally upright United States colonised and 
annexed Hawaii.

They had sought protection from Queen Victoria by becoming Anglicans and 
even putting the Union Jack into their state flag where it still is but that 
failed to protect them from the slow infestation by Baptists and pineapple 
planters that took them over and incorporated them into the US Empire.

And now they have a change-ringing band of their own right out there in 
mid-pacific. Puts many of our failing local bands to shame!




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