[Bell Historians] Tucking up vs hanging out 'old style'

David Bryant davidbryant at ...
Sun Nov 6 11:43:19 GMT 2005

> We are planning on removing the packing pieces between the headstock and
> bell at Leeds to observe the effects.

The two trebles certainly are extremely fast striking - this was primarily
where I was thinking of when I mentioned extra-fast trebles in my earlier
posting. The packing blocks are so thick that they hang the bell out to
pretty much the same extent that a flange top would.

Interestingly, the trebles at Exeter have flange tops and are quite light
compared to the tenor, but their timing is good - they aren't too fast.
Presumably this must be due to the timing of the other bells relative to

> At Harrogate it is very clear that the two tenors with cast iron
> perform quite differently from the front six which are on bar headstocks.
> (Mind you it didn't take a box of electronics to tell me that.)
> Having the OSM means that we can quantify the effect of changes we make
> do not have to wait for the next ringing session to try to decide if we
> made an improvement to the striking.

What are you trying? Hanging the front bells out further?



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