[Bell Historians] Tubular chimes

Robert Lewis editor at ...
Fri Oct 7 09:29:49 BST 2005

At 18:46 06/10/2005, you wrote:
>At 17:53 +0100 2005/10/05, Carl Zimmerman wrote:
> >See http://www.bellperc.com/fsbell.htm
>The tubular bells which this firm is selling are for orchestral use,
>and are similar to what are used in longcase clocks. They are
>thin-walled and only about 4 or 5 cm in diameter, thus they are
>totally unsuited for use in a tower.
>The Harrington tower tubes which I have seen are 8 to 10 cm in
>diameter and about 1 cm thick.

Agreed. But presumably the technology and techniques for producing and 
tuning them is not radically different. It would be interesting to see what 
they would say if asked to make something a bit larger. Perhaps the costs 
of getting tooled-up for a one-off job would be prohibitive?



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