[Bell Historians] Travelling Peal Boards

Peter Kirby peter.c.kirby at ...
Tue Sep 13 09:47:08 BST 2005

	A further example of a travelling Peal Board is that which
originally hung in Lightcliffe Congregational Church (Halifax).
When the church closed in the mid-1970's the remaining 4 bells (2
removed in 1939) were removed by Geoffrey Armitage. 2 of these were
subsequently used to augment Kimcote (Leicestershire) from 4 to 6, the
remaining 2 (according to Chris Pickford) were broken up.
I remember seeing at that time the Peal Board which hung in the
tower but thought nothing more about it. However, in 2002, I was made aware
of it's existence in the cellar of the current UR Church next door and they
wanted rid of it. This has now been rescued and is now residing in the
tower of St. Matthew's, Lightcliffe a mere half a mile away. Despite being
in storage for some 25 years it is still in reasonably good condition and
should not deteriorate any more in it's current location.

PCK ...


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