[Bell Historians] Church Guide Books - Version 2!

Richard Offen richard at OVFwYA5EncXt7XTfUtha3a8C6lJV3R6_FIyhzRk-vcVgqEDlvdv9gKUQr9yJhPayhuhvEmDq.yahoo.invalid
Wed Apr 5 16:27:58 BST 2006

--- In bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com, "David Bryant" <davidbryant at ...> 
> >RCO:
> >"Alas, my impending move to Perth, WA, means they've got to go.   I 
> >loathed to condemn them to the recycling bin, so am keen to hear from
> >anyone who can either give them a good home or suggest a
> >library that would be interested in such a collection."
> Is this a permanent move, Richard?
> David

My initial contract (I am to be Executive Director of the City of Perth 
Heritage Fund) is for two years, but we're hoping that the move will 
eventually become more permanent than that.



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