[Bell Historians] Digest Number 1353

LOVE, Dickon dickon.love at IDCXHTahXkqVcaSJ-hyneb6vEC49AC5V0jQ9F257gYXAUnazWWCS7Q7SHYckxk2Mtw_o644gyxZ9KTD-G4eI49_QZqgp.yahoo.invalid
Wed Apr 12 19:55:55 BST 2006

"Can you suggest a better way?"

Examine the bell carefully visually and by touch, preferably using a rule to
note the height of the letters.

"Surely a well taken photogtraph is very accurate method."

Sometimes a photograph will work, but there are the following potential pit

1. A photo will not give you the height of each letter.
2. You could lose some letters round the side of the bell.
3. The photograph may not show up punctuation clearly. I have known some
readings that require you to *feel* punctuation in order to identify them



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