Historical methods of bell tuning

Bill Hibbert bill at 0AATBdigrVEWgyZAVZRrmTad68rwyANNlc5I9ts5KgB4j3EQwUpo4MkKtmgaS2Z2G1WKd_WkWaxi.yahoo.invalid
Fri Aug 4 09:06:32 BST 2006

> Sorry Bill, at least I tried!

Absolutely, and it was mean of me to tease you. One of the great things 
about this list is that people make a genuine effort to help and to 
contribute and long may it continue.


> I suspect that many of the better founders were quite aware of partial
tones ... I'll go through my science of music books (I have
quite a collection!) and see what early references I can dig up.

The information can turn up on the most unlikely places. In my own 
researches I (re)discovered that Jacob van Eyck, the musical 'brains' 
behind the Hemonys, met a Dutch philosopher / scientist called Isaac 
Beeckman, a relative of Christian Huygens, in 1633 and described and 
demonstrated the partial tones of bells. Isaac wrote it all down in his 
diary which was published, unfortunately for us in Dutch, between 1939 
and 1953. I think this was the source used by André Lehr.

I wonder if such a treasure trove is hiding in a UK library or record 
office somewhere?


Bill H


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