[Bell Historians] highest ring of bells

Andrew Aspland aaspland at 4Uy923x899ji16SOK1UjsKwtq9RWncQNPnsBwW2D9ED1ZSVRYrW-Ohn_gaw7rFNSVhd7g-5qaVZw06mahci8.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 19 08:27:41 GMT 2006

AND doesn't Workington have a lift?

"Towers with lifts include:

Wellington Cathedral, New Zealand

Liverpool Municipal Buildings (the strangest ring in the world - but still
a cracking ring! A Victorian lift takes you up!)

St. Pauls, Houston, Texas, USA

National Cathedral, Washington DC, USA

Old Post Office Tower, Washington DC, USA

St. Mary's Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Bedworth, Warwickshire

Swan Tower, Perth, Australia

Manchester Town Hall


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