Erpingham, Norfolk

David Bryant davidbryant at
Sat Nov 11 13:52:03 GMT 2006

I have just noticed something rather suspect with regard to the stated
weight given in Dove for the tenor of the above church.

The ring of six were formerly the back six of eight at St John de Sepulchre
in Norwich. The two trebles of eight went to East Harling to augment the
bells there to eight.

Dove gives the source of its weight for Erpingham (8-3-22) as the lost rings
list. What makes me suspicious is that 8-3-22 is also the weight of East
Harling tenor (a Taylor rehang so there will be a measured weight). It could
be a coincidence, but doesn't seem that likely.

Can anyone confirm the source of the weight given for Erpingham? I believe
that the bells were installed by local area ringers, so it is entirely
possible that the bells may not have been weighed. Paul Cattermole's Norwich
book does not give a measured weight for the bells - it says approximately
9½ cwt. Has someone mistakenly quoted the tenor weight for East Harling?



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