[Bell Historians] Extending the pNBR

Alan Buswell aaj.buswell at HuYsxYiKUgQuGTSLie1iRDFc_2gYukD9g9B8kW88B-KQFGoGaw_0957eQmLjAbXxCv7yPCs45IiqJ2VNXMvvR90LedE.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 26 12:37:16 BST 2007

Surly the cut-off could be by size/weight, say 1/2 cwt+ . This would cover 'school bells' etc of which G&J cast many. I feel there are many great bell 'out there' but only to find them...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bickerton, Roderic K (SELEX) (UK) 
  To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:35 PM
  Subject: RE: [Bell Historians] Extending the pNBR

  I second Carl S Zimmerman comment
  I would like to see it extended to cover all bells weather hung or
  The only cut of would be to exclude trivia.
  For example small alarm or "school" bells.
  I would think there would need to be an option for rings of 3 and above
  defaulted to yes to avoid normal searches turning up information not
  relevant to the ringing community.

  SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems Limited
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