Leighton Buzzard

Michael Wilby michael at GOloRIgJJjbsiXEY8izjMVgeMGcI4-9gqtp8OQKg-s6YKH8NQ-pr_0izM_7qv5qqBqAdZgrVpy-koLdVXLZLyaVavrNE.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jun 22 14:27:43 BST 2007

I've been browsing on the tower web site and found the following on
the front page:

"After repair and strengthening work on the tower, the Architect has
requested that there are no peals, and that the number of visiting
bands is limited."


Is this message out of date?  

If not it seems rather strange considering they have a weekly practice
of 90 minutes, are allowing the Beds Assn to have them on an open day
for a similar length of time, and have recently published whole host
of quarters. 

It's great pity this magnificent 12 cannot be pealed.


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