FW: SV: [Bell Historians] Icelandic bell

john john.ketteringham27 at mEv9i7R8eFu7QQ4RQAcA4gbDSLvKrGqXUeygvq7Y-gTV6qIAW4ezik1cOFbcSD08iOc3E6rCH1UZquXtVw4JcHc-AQQOBw.yahoo.invalid
Tue Apr 8 19:22:25 BST 2008

Yes that is absolutely true and I am not at all surprised by the date of the bell which must have been hung at one of the 4 airfields established by the Air Ministry in 1949 and probably closed immediately after the end of the war.   There is a bell in Lincoln Cathedral which was cast for a submarine (!) which is named on the bell but not used for the ship it was intended for.   It was transferred to another ship and eventually presented to the Cathedral and hangs in the seaman's chapel

What does surprise me is that the initials of the founder are not on the Icelandic bell.
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