[Bell Historians] 16th and 17th century tuning

David Bryant davidbryant at MNc3WY6d8D6-FvRaCmgwwEuDSjQjgRz0ourlw17zeYyb-DE4y1jNgS7OsG_tMUHyGymfuvsBF6prq59RQ9x5GTBSew.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 11 12:16:19 BST 2008

"Thanks for this. Barts was an example that came to my mind too, but I notice from Dickon's website that they were retuned in 1952. Perhaps there were earlier tunings too? I'd be interested in knowing whether the tone-tone-semitone- tone intervals in the tuning (i.e. the major scale) are believed to go back as far as 1510. Just as an example, if the bells had originally been tuned B, C#, D#, E#, F# -- a Lydian mode -- and a century later the 2nd was flattened by a semitone, would we be aware of that?"
And there's also the point that Mixolydian would be identical to Major in any case on up to six bells.

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