[Bell Historians] Electronic music derived from sound of a bell

Sue Marsden erincaters at XYNb3bvbPOJoDcDRxlN12A2DPnR5PWIAMo_a13O0WKAv2vq4Z0M7u4kce0lzh6vt5IKVvbo3rftsKNespHKCdlIOag.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 20 09:22:37 GMT 2008

> They appear to have got the photo of the bell upside down! That bell is up.
> David

Years ago a children's nonfiction book on sound by Henry Pluckrose did
the same. I hadn't noticed but my brother did. I was always going to
write to the publisher to tell them but never got round to it. At a
first glance it seemed OK but on a closer inspection you could see
that the bell was apparently suspended underneath the frame. It just
shows that non-ringers asume that bells always hang downwards.



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