Diameters of notable bells

Bill Hibbert bill at P6vLmVDttkC33nhFmmuQMwwPp0T0vDeceDiCWaJEeyKgua15ajuXIkiIX7lkLLCJDX4aZDCd-IszTZI.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jan 27 23:10:22 GMT 2008

Does anyone know the diameters of the following bells? I have failed to 
find them despite looking in numerous places. I need accurate 
measurements, rough estimates don't help I'm afraid. Replies off-list, 
please, as this information is unlikely to be of general interest!

Wanamaker bell at Philadelphia
Little John at Nottingham Council House
Great Abel at Manchester Town Hall
Great Bede at Downside Abbey
Major at Newcastle Cathedral
Great Peter at York Minster
Big Ben and the four Westminster quarter bells.


Bill H


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