[Bell Historians] The nine tellers

John Camp camp at hjJ9VaOFPvZ3CUv5Vdf8xKHewavOUMDgZKr0QngOy8aT4jiyL1tq5_YHkrTqLomBxflo0YDDNaqGzM2i.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 21 22:44:43 BST 2008

At 22:41 on 21 July 2008, john wrote:

> John - when you are chiming or tolling a bell it is 'down' when a bell is
> 'up' it is being 'rung' full circle! =)

That is certainly the normal use of 'chiming', but I have reservations
about 'tolling'.  As I said earlier, I think that 'tolling' refers to
what it sounds like, not how the sound is produced.  That, anyway, is
how I have always used the term.

I've looked at what it says in the OED, and there is one definition
which contrasts tolling with ringing, but the first definition given is
this: "To cause (a great bell) to sound by pulling the rope, esp.  in
order to give an alarm or signal; to ring (a great bell)".

John Camp


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